We provide on this page the different artefacts which have been used and created for introducing our variability-based modeling approach for AutomationML.
Variability modeling is an emerging topic in the general field of systems engineering and in particular it gains more and more interest in the domain of production systems with current trends such as Industrie 4.0. Therefore, it is not sufficient
to describe systems in several cases, but family of systems.
In this paper we introduce a RoleClassLibrary for AutomationML to represent variability which allows to exchange not only systems descriptions but also system families descriptions. We argue for a light-weight extension of AutomationML and show a particular application example. The variability-based modeling approach is based on cardinalities which is a well-known concept from conceptual modeling and feature modeling. Furthermore, we also show how instantiations of variability models can be validated by our EMF-based AutomationML workbench.
All menioned artefacts of the case study are provided as open source.
- CAEX Workbench
- AML Example
Screenshot of the tank station example
Running the EMF-based AutomationML workbench
For running the workbench, we recommend to use the Eclipse Modeling Edition. In the following we provide information on how to download, run and setup the Eclipse bundle.
Download Eclipse
First you have to download the Eclipse Modeling Tools (version: Neon R) for your operating system and architecture. Once the download is finished, unzip the downloaded archive to any location you prefer. Please note, however, that the location should be writable without additional user permissions so that Eclipse may autonomously install updates and additional plug-ins.
Run Eclipse
The prerequisite for running Eclipse is a current version of the Java Runtime Environment. Eclipse itself does not have to be “installed” per se. You may directly start Eclipse by running eclipse (.exe in case you use Windows). Select a workspace location according to your personal preferences.